20 Activities for Kid’s to Do While Listening to Audio Books & Read Alouds

Activity Ideas to Foster Better Listening Skills in Children During Audio Books

Studies have shown that listening to audio books improve auditory learning, comprehension and fluency. In our family, this practice has become a regular part of our lives. Sometimes when listening my children can get a bit distracted and that, my friends, is when I learned the top two key ingredients to keep kids engaged.

Here’s the secret… if you want your children to improve their listening skills and attention span try keeping their hands engaged in simple activities and handicrafts while they listen to an audio book.

You’ll soon discover that by allowing your child’s brain to be engrossed in the story, while simultaneously occupying their fidgeting hands it actually improves comprehension. While homeschooling, we quickly learned the best quiet activities that pair well with listening.

Chose Engaging Audio Books

The second key thing is picking audiobooks your kid’s are excited to read and keep them interested. Our family is definitely hooked on audio books and we’ve listened to our fair share through the years. These go-to chapter books for kids were hits with the whole family. They pique the interest of both boys and girls and even will appeal to reluctant readers. Here is a list of our favorite audio books, which are ideal for ages 5-12, but honestly as an adult, I also loved these captivating books filled with adventure. Make sure to pin and save this list to reference later!

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Quiet Activity Ideas

1. Modeling Clay | Ages 4+

Air dry clay can help promote logical thinking ability and sensory development. This set includes a tutorial book with tons of idea. This no mess clay is pliable and will help foster your child’s imagination. A bonus idea is to have your child create an object or scene from the book you are reading.

2. Melissa and Doug Pattern Blocks and Boards | Ages 3+

A classic wooden learning toy that allows children to create patterns again and again with wooden shaped blocks. These have been staples in our home for the last 8 years, with 5 double-sided boards with fun designs of butterflies, boats, and animals. Great way to work on math manipulatives while improving problem solving, spatial awareness, color recognition, and hand-eye coordination.

8. Family Time Piece Puzzles | Ages 5+

If you have a wide range of ages in your family than these 400 multi piece puzzles are ideal. With big pieces for younger children, medium pieces for elementary schooler and little pieces for teens and adults. Bright colors with different objects to find, not just tedious sky or landscape. Choosing puzzles that are 100-500 piece, depending on the child’s age, seems to be the sweet spot.

2. Melissa and Doug See & Spell Wooden Puzzel Boards | Ages 5 +

This educational learning toy works on letter recognition, spelling and fine motor skills. Children can see and spell while receiving tactile input. Our family loves Melissa and Doug products because they are quality products made from wood and stand up to kid’s frequent rough use.

4. Block Building | Ages 2+

From a very young age building and stacking blocks are key component to learning for children just like reading aloud is crucial for language development in children. Combine the two and you’ll have greater success in both.

5. WOW Books | Ages 3+

Loads of activity pages and sticker stamps will keep little hands busy. This arts and crafts Ice Cream Wow book is adorable for boys and girls. If your child is older than may enjoy a more advanced sticker books like the paint by number sticker books below.

5. Sticker Paint By Number Books Ages 5+

These have been a hit in my family for years. Work on fine motor coordination, number recognition as they complete these colorful pictures with stickers.

6. LEGOS | Ages 2+

Is there any other toy more beloved than LEGOs? Whether it’s Duplo blocks or LEGO sets, one of the best ways to foster creativity is with this basic LEGO Classic Creative Brick Box, which contain a mix of everything you need to begin building.


7. Perler Deluxe Fuse Bead Craft Activity Kit | Ages 6+

Beading kits have been popular with my olde children, especially ones that can gifts for others. These tiny little beads can be combined into the cutest designs. This is better suited for older children with good fine motor skills. With over 30 brightly colored beads and designs, simply iron your completed designs to the pegboards and enjoy these lovely creations to keep for yourself or share with a friend.

9. Straw Construction Toys | Ages 4+

Tinkering with this straw construction set allows children to work on structure, teamwork and engineering skills as they build 4 -D shapes and structures from airplanes, castles and towers with 600 straws pieces and connectors. Let children's imagination soar with this stem toy.

10. Coloring | Ages 3+

Coloring has a wonderful, relaxing effect on individuals, especially helpful for children to keep hands busy while listening. Do yourself a favor and buy yourself an adult coloring book while you’re at it. With Beautiful images and encouraging verses, you’ll be so thankful you took the time to slow down.

11. How to Draw Books | Ages 5+

Learning how to draw with a step-by-step instructional guide will be a hit with budding artists. Featuring 101 different animals and creatures it's easy to draw. Personally, we love making personalized cards to save for birthday parties. Another great activity to work on reading comprehension is to have your children illustrate pictures from the audio book as they listen.

12. Lacing Cards | Ages 4 +

Allow little fingers to work on the art of weaving yarn up and threw the boards. This is a great first step to be able to cross stich or crochet in the future.

13. Playdough | Ages 3+

I think it comes as no surprise that kid’s adore playdough. I have a love/ hate relationship with playdough because of all the bits, but since it entertains my children for hours I often give in and bust out the playdough. Step up your playdough game with adorable Playdough food set where you can make foods of all types.

14. Kinetic Sand | Ages 2 +

Kinetic sand is so cathartic, and my kid’s can happily spend hours playing in the sand. My boy’s especially love this Construction Kinetic Sand Set, which is fun to build, dig, and demolish with the crane and dump truck. We LOVE heading outside on a sunny day, getting fresh air on the porch, while we listen and play. I love the case helps contain the kinetic sand and toys for easy storage.

15. Fold Clothes

Any chore is more tolerable when you’re distracted with a good story. Teaching children to folding clothes is a valuable skill that kid’s must master. Although it may not be your child’s favorite activity, when you have a good book to listen to it makes it all the more enjoyable.

16. Finger Knitting or Crocheting

Finger Knitting

My children learned finger knitting recently and have made snakes, bunnies, snails and other adorable projects. All you need is yarn and your fingers! Here is a tutorial to learn how to finger knit.

17. Snap Circuits | Ages 8+

If older children want a challenge these snap circuits are fun to fiddle with and manipulate. These stem activities are ideal for children to help foster problem solving.

18. Magna-tiles | Ages 2 +

Probably our all-time favorite STEM toy in our family for a wide range of ages. Although it can be tempting to go with a cheaper brand, the tiles do not stay together like these Magnatile brand. This is one of the toys that all my children can happily and safely play for hours with from 2 to 12. Create buildings shapes with the translucent geometric shapes in bright colors.

20. Nature Art | Ages 2+

Head outside or on the front porch and gather some leaves, twigs, or acorns and complete a simple nature mandala or picture using materials found in nature.

Closing Thoughts

I’m curious, what are your favorite activities to do while listening to audio books? Hopefully you’ll love these handicraft activities and manipulates to try when listening to audio books as much as we do! Reading quality literature together is a unique way to connect as a family. Stop in at your local library to acquire your next book through Libby or Hoopla or join Audible today.

Follow Discovering Anew for tons of fun videos showcasing kid’s activities, family travel, camping, and Michigan day trips.

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Marian Fink

Hi, I’m Marian. Writer, wife, and mother of 4 children, discovering anew the simple joys of life while exploring, camping and hiking.


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