Our Home: Saying Goodbye


As we close the door of our home for the last time, all the emotions and memories flood in.

Our home, a blank canvas we gutted, built and painted from the roof to the walls, from the porch to the deck.

Our home, an eye witness to young newlyweds with dreams in their hearts; to naïve first time parents carrying fresh babies through the door.

Our home, the backdrop for simple everyday moments; dance parties in the kitchen, snuggles on the couch, sledding down the stairs, front porch sitting while storms roll in, and gathering around cozy bone-fires with fading sunsets.

Our home, the secret keeper to whispered conversations at night of dreams and fears; to countless prayers drifting through the ceiling from our lips to God’s ears.

Our home, a safe haven for weary days, death of loved ones, and the heartbreak of miscarriage.

Our home, the setting of hundreds of shared meals and conversations with family and friends.

As we close the door of our home for the last time, we will take all the lessons, laughter, and memories with us.

Our NEW home, an open door of possibilities and adventures.

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Marian Fink

Hi, I’m Marian. Writer, wife, and mother of 4 children, discovering anew the simple joys of life while exploring, camping and hiking.


Be the Keepers


Ocqueoc Scenic Falls