An Otherworldly Hike at Circle B Bar Reserve in Florida
Moss laden branches, boggy swamps and wildlife around each twist and turn of the path creates an otherwordly hike in Lakeland, Florida. If you’re in the area, make sure to visit Circle B Bar Reserve for a beautiful hike where you can spot alligators in the waters and elegant blue heron fishing along the shoreline.
Needing to get away from the bustle of Orlando, it’s only an hour drive Southwest of the city. Once a cattle ranch, the reserve is now home to a variety of wild animals and birds. This beautiful reserve, located on the Northwest shores of Lake Hancock is completely FREE to the public, including Polk’s Nature Discovery Center.
Surrounded by trees draped with Spanish moss, we ventured out for a hike on an overcast day. The ambiance created an otherworldly feeling, perfect for exploring and discovery. This trail was an easy hike through flat terrain. There are over 12 trails at the reserve which can be combined to over 6 miles of trails.
Stop in to see the visitors center exhibits that teach about Florida birds, animals and ecology.
Take advantage of the covered pavilions with picnic tables for lunch
Grab a trail map at the outdoor kiosk or visitor center.
Take a camera for unique photo opportunities.
During a wet/ rainy season, some trails are in low lying areas and may require boots.
After grabbing a map, we only walked but a few yards when we spotted a wild hog rooting around the trail near the parking lot. From then on my children were constantly exclaiming, “look” while pointing out various wildlife.
We took the trail route through Shady Oak to Alligator Alley to Heron Hideout. We hiked with four children ages 3-10, and this trail was an ideal length. Some highlights included spotting armadillos, raccoons, wild hogs and, of course, alligators.
Circle B Bar Reserve is a bird lover’s dream. Marshy swamps and Hancock Lake create an ideal habitat for blue herons, ibis, anhingas, pelicans, whistling ducks and osprey. True to it’s name, Alligator Alley, supplied multiple sightings of large alligators in Lake Hancock and smaller ones in the swap area. A tip we learned: look for lines on the water which are the alligators exposed backs. We jokingly kept our littlest close by so he wouldn’t become gator bait.
Other hikers on the trail were friendly and often pointed out wildlife they had spotted. One couple we conversed with had just crossed a bobcat creeping along the trail.
Hours Trails are open 6 am - 6:30 pm (Standard Time)
Polk’s Nature Discovery Center is open from 9 am - 4 pm Tues - Sat, 12 -4 pm Sun.
Admission is free.
Restrooms are in two locations, in the nature center when it’s open or portable restrooms in the parking lot.
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Remember to stay on marked trails and only observe wildlife. We enjoy identifying wildlife, especially birds, on our hikes. Our favorite hiking guides are the ones like, Florida Birds, which are pocket size trifold that you can find here.
They are kid-friendly, laminated and lightweight so they can easily be stashed in your backpack. This is one hike I wished I’d taken my Cannon EOS Rebel to be able to get closeups of all the animals.
Circle B Bar Reserve 4399 Winter Lake Road Lakeland, FL T:863-668-4673
I’m thrilled you stopped in today. That wraps up our review of Circle B Bar Reserve! No matter what you decide to do during your time in Florida, you’re bound to have an unforgettable experience in this beautiful area. If this article was helpful, don’t forget to Pin and Save this post for later.
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Travel to the Eastern side of the state to Slade, Kentucky to Daniel Boone National Forest, only an hour from Lexington. Here you will find a true gem, Natural Bridge State Park, known for its sandstone arches and beautiful hiking trails.